People used to call her fat, but Ghostbusters actress and comedian Melissa McCarthy is getting thin and healthy! How did Melissa McCarthy lose weight? Did she have secret weight loss surgery?
Melissa McCarthy's amazing 75 pound weight loss has been a topic of much discussion since she started losing weight in 2014. Why was she motivated to crack down and lose weight? In 2013, tabloids rumors were discussing Melissa McCarthy's recent weight gain, suggesting that the already full figured star was gaining even more weight.
But Melissa McCarthy wasn't always "fat." As a co-star on the CW series Gilmore Girls back in 2003, she was much thinner. As is the case for many women struggling with gaining weight, the extra pounds continued to slowly rise over the years, increased by the stress and daily demands of life. It seems no small coincidence that as McCarthy's fame and stardom increased, so did the numbers on the scale. So how did Melissa McCarthy lose weight and get skinny? Did she lose weight with Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers like Jennifer Hudson? Did she have bariatric or gastric bypass surgery?
According to Melissa McCarthy, losing weight and getting down to a size 14 was easy for her. So how can losing 75 pounds be easy? Many people claim that bariatric weight loss surgery is an "easy" weight loss method, but McCarthy denies having any weight loss surgery to help her gain weight. So what's her secret to weight loss? "A super boring life," quipped the comedian in a 2016 Interview with Extra. Below McCarthy describes her simple weight loss plan with a funny touch of honesty.
Always funny, McCarthy describes weight loss in an intentionally extreme manner. By sticking with a slow and steady weight loss plan, it sounds like Melissa McCarthy is focusing on losing weight the right way and staying healthy. While it is possible to have "fun" while losing weight, going to bed early is one way to avoid late night snacking! In other interviews she talks about sticking with a high-protein, low-carb diet.